Series Outline
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How Do Income Riders Work?
What is an income benefit rider?
One-Question Quiz
Who is eligible for the income rider benefit?
One-Question Quiz
When and how much can you receive in guaranteed income payments?
One-Question Quiz
What is an Income Benefit Base and How Does It Grow?
One-Question Quiz
What happens to my income benefit if I withdraw money from my contract?
One-Question Quiz
What happens to your income benefit at other significant events?
One-Question Quiz
Do income riders cost money?
One-Question Quiz
The videos shown as a part of this series are for general information purposes only. The features and applicable conditions discussed in the above videos and attached glossary may vary by specific product offering. Completion of the informational series and accompanying questionnaires does not certify that an individual has completed all necessary requirements to make a suitable purchasing decision. Additional information beyond what is provided in the video series contained herein may be required. Please consult with a financial professional for additional information before making a purchasing decision. BPD#40172